Distress Tolerance Skills


We all get stressed out and overwhelmed. Some days are better than others. In times of stress, it is easy to let our emotions take the drivers seat and steer our behavior especially during extreme emotional reactions.

What is distress tolerance? According to Applied Behavior Analysis, distress tolerance “describes an individual’s ability to manage their internal emotional state in response to stress-inducing factors. If someone has a low distress tolerance they will likely become overwhelmed by mildly stressful situations, potentially responding in negative mental and behavioral ways.”

Distress tolerance is a skill that can be learned and practiced. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan is a treatment modality used to restore emotional balance. DBT is a mental health treatment modality that focuses on emotional regulation, distress tolerance, mindfulness and interpersonal effectiveness.

Below are some distress tolerance skills to try when you are emotionally flooded and looking to restore emotional balance.

-focus on your senses. Notice what you hear, feel, see, smell and taste

-move your body (think of a 30 minute circuit of HIIT class)

-alter your body temperature (cool water on your face, ice on your neck or pulse, cool air on your face)

-deep regulated breathes

-use radical acceptance strategies to not ruminate of the stressor

-use distraction (comforting movies, chatting with family, hobby project

-tighten and relax isolated muscles

-take sips of water

-complete gross muscle activities


What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?


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