Irrational Thoughts

Irrational thoughts are persistent, untrue internal messages that you tell yourself. Even though these thoughts are untrue, they can feel very real and can even contribute to your underlaying belief system about yourself, others and the world. It is very common in mental health therapy that we work together to undo old maladaptive irrational thoughts and replace them with healthy, accurate messages.

Here are some examples of common irrational thoughts⁠

-I cannot control my emotions⁠

-I must know everything all the time⁠

-If I make a mistake, I will be a failure⁠

-I must please everyone besides myself⁠

-If someone criticizes me, I am a bad person⁠

-If I take care of myself, others will see me as selfish⁠

- If I take a calculated risk, it will ruin everything⁠

-I am unwanted and unlovable⁠

-I don't deserve love or success⁠

-My past dictates my future⁠

-It is easier to avoid problems than deal with them⁠

In order to combat these thoughts ask yourself these questions

-Am I looking at this situation rationally and calmly?⁠

-What is truly the worst possible outcome of this situation?

-How many of my previous, similar fears have came true?⁠

-What evidence do I have to support this thought?⁠

-Can I really handle this situation even if I feel anxious?⁠

-What can I do to change this situation for the better?


Keeping on dreaming!


Thank you!