Northern Star Counseling

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Letting Go

Learn to let go what is not for you. This could be cognitions, friendships, connections, imbalances and toxic environments, etc. You are a growing, evolving creature and what served you well years ago may be holding you back now. Embrace change and refresh your mental health tools and relationships to serve you now and promote your growth.

“Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go.”

Tips to letting go

-Acknowledge it is time. Be honest with yourself and objectively step back to evaluate what you need and what you have outgrown in this season of your life.

- Give yourself permission to change. Honor the previous lessons and the purpose the habit, tool, relationship or environment served you in the past. Take away the positive.

- Allow space to grieve the loss. Allow yourself to feel all the feelings of loss as you move away from the old.

-Embrace new coping skills or change as you are ready.

-Increase your self care