Northern Star Counseling

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Everything Changes

Everything changes. Throughout life your view with change may alter. Some changes are welcomed, joyous, and invigorating while others are dismal, full of fear and grief. Learn to anticipate changes in your life, mood, career, relationships and partnerships. Everything has a cycle and very few things are permanent. Develop of relationship with change. Embrace it and develop coping skills for transitions as there will be many throughout your life.

Here are some tips to dealing with life’s transitions and transforming with change

  1. Allow yourself to grief your loss

  2. Seek out the opportunity in the new situation

  3. Set new goals: long term and short term

  4. Develop a new routine

  5. Talk about your thoughts, fears, worries with members of your support system

  6. Use old healthy coping skills or create new ones

  7. Set reasonable expectations. Change is a transition period and transition periods are not without bumps and set backs.

  8. Be patient with yourself

  9. Increase your self care commitments

  10. Remember if something does not work out, you can make a new decision and try a new path.

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often”.-Winston Churchill