Getting Back on Track


We all get off track at times. I was shocked today to see that I have not posted to the Constellation blog since Christmas 2019. Where has the time gone! So I find myself needing to get back on track. There is so much value in being able to reassess, regroup and continue forward after a set back. One of the first steps to getting back on track with goals, dream chasing, projects, etc is to recognize when you are off track. Once you have noticed a stagnation, it is often times for a refresh in perspective as you reassess what put a kink in the plan. Approaching the task from a new angle at a new time or fresh eyes can help to reinvigorate your mindset. As the Japenese proverb by Nanakorobi Yaoki says “Fall down seven times, stand up 8.”

Try these 9 steps next time you need to get back on track

  1. Recognize something has gone wrong and you have stopped making progress.

  2. Identify what went wrong and why it happened

  3. Create a schedule with obtainable goals. Think steps not leaps

  4. Experiment with techniques and find ones that work for you and come naturally

  5. Simplify your process.

  6. Apply lessons learned from the imperfect missteps

  7. Look at the project from a new angle and change it up (change of environment, ask a friend’s perspective, change the time of the tasks, etc).

  8. Hold yourself accountable

  9. Celebrate your successes along the way.


Positive Mindset


Treat Yourself Like a Close Friend