Navigating Holiday and Pandemic Stress


The holidays can be overwhelming and difficult to manage, but this year presents the unique challenge of navigating the season during a pandemic. As you prepare to enter the holidays, let’s take a moment to recall tools that can assist in minimizing distress and increasing peace at the end of 2020.

10 Tips to Navigating Holidays and Pandemic Stress

1. Follow your Passion. Do you love painting winter landscapes, baking holiday cookies or making creative gifts? Be sure to pencil in as much time as possible to enjoy these seasonal favorites.

2. Do not overcommit. Preserve time for yourself. Tell others “no” to events, favors, and commitments if engaging will leave you short on energy reserves.

3. Disconnect. Take a break from news, social media and electronic devices. Recharge in nature, with family and friends, reading or enjoying a quiet atmosphere without distraction.

4. Reach out to friends and family. Take time to check in on friends and family even if you cannot physically be together. Find creative ways to connect.

5. Take pleasure in the small things. Mindfully enjoy your favorite cup of coffee, tea, songs and scenery.

6. Take a breather. Take a time out for yourself during busy, overwhelming times. Carve out time for yourself even if it is as small as stepping outside, running to the store or walking into the garage to rebalance.

7. Focus on the present as well as what you can control. Don’t focus on the past or the future, just right now what is in front of you. In addition, think about what you can control and let the rest go. Remember you have made it through 100% of your difficult days.

8. Get enough rest. Be sure to allow your brain and body enough time each night to restore and rest.

9. Limit overindulging. The holidays are often associated with an excess of food, alcohol, parties, etc. Being mindful of moderation will assist in maintaining a balance.

10. Seek support. If you are feeling out of control, unbalanced emotions, depression seek out support from family, friends or professionals.


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