Good Sleep Habits


Developing good sleep habits is essential to maintaining mental wellness. Good sleep habits are also referred to as sleep hygiene. Use these tips to establish a sleep routine to help you get a great night’s rest!

  • Develop a night routine that works and stick it.

  • Be consistent. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, including on the weekends.

  • Try drinking sleepy tea or warm milk to relax (avoid caffeine before bed.)

  • Make sure your bedroom is comfortable. Create a space that is quiet, dark and comfortable

  • Maintain your bedroom at a comfortable temperature.

  • Do not use electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smart phones, while in bed. Condition your brain to associate your bedroom with sleep.

  • Avoid caffeine, sugar and alcohol before bedtime. Contrary to popular belief eating a large meal before dinner may make it difficult to sleep.

  • Exercise during the day. If your body is tired, it will crave rest.

  • Natural remedies such as melatonin may be helpful in falling asleep (consult your physician).


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