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A quick reading, or “constellation” of resources about mental health therapy.

coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp


Your brain needs oxygen to function, think and calm down. When you are stressed, you have a tendency to hold your breathe; it is a natural reaction. Learn to focus on your breathing when you feel emotionally flooded to slow your body down and clear your mind.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Practice Self Compassion

Treat yourself as you would a close friend or beloved family member. Your relationship with yourself is one of the most important connections you will ever have. The words you speak as well as the beliefs you hold about yourself can give you strength and reassurance or they can erode your self esteem.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Cultivate Self-Awareness

Staying aware of your own needs and feelings is essential to your mental and emotional health. Vent stress as it begins to percolate. Little, small stress relievers throughout the day are more effective than a big emotional explosion once a week. Think of shaking a bottle of soda, then slowly unscrewing. Recognizing all your emotions is a first step in managing them. Know your limits and be unashamed about setting boundaries. Saying “no” is a skill we all need for self perseverance.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Get Balanced

Health centers around balance. Mental health is no exception. Be deliberate about how you spend your time; it is an incredibly valuable resource that none of us are getting any more of. Maintain balance between your normal responsibilities and the things you enjoy. Work and play are equally important. Incorporate what you love into your daily routine so you have something to look forward to each day.

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