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A quick reading, or “constellation” of resources about mental health therapy.

coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Embracing the Summer: Nurturing Mental Health in the Sun's Warm Embrace

Summer, with its longer days, vibrant colors, and gentle warmth, has a way of uplifting our spirits and invigorating our senses. It's a season that offers numerous opportunities to enhance our mental well-being and embrace a more balanced and joyful life. In this blog post, we will explore the connection between summer and mental health, and discuss practical ways to harness the power of this season for our overall well-being.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

PTSD and Fireworks: Understanding the Impact and Finding Solutions

Fireworks are a common sight during celebratory events, such as holidays and festivals. For many people, they evoke feelings of excitement and joy. However, it's essential to recognize that for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fireworks can trigger distressing symptoms and exacerbate their condition. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of fireworks on individuals with PTSD, shed light on their experiences, and discuss potential solutions to create a more inclusive and understanding environment during fireworks displays.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

The Power of Emotion Regulation for Enhanced Mental Health

Our emotions are a fundamental part of being human. They color our experiences, shape our perceptions, and influence our actions. However, sometimes emotions can become overwhelming and unmanageable, negatively impacting our mental health. The good news is that we have the ability to regulate our emotions, allowing us to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of emotion regulation for mental health and discuss practical strategies that can help us cultivate emotional balance.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Stress Management

It is important in times of undo stress to focus on healthy ways of relieving that energy. Be intentional with your stress management techniques. Use them often rather than waiting for intense feelings to become bottled up and then bubble over.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Forgiveness is Powerful

Developing a relationship with forgiveness is transformative and challenging. Forgiveness doesn’t equate to reconciliation or returning to the toxic environment or relationship that we survived. There are many different ways to engage in forgiveness.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Learn Boundaries

Learn to set boundaries with other people including friends, parents, family professional contacts and co-workers. Overextending your time and mental/emotional capacity is not doing anyone any favors. You only have so many hours in the day; you must reserve time and space for yourself. Even if during this personal time, you are doing nothing but recharging.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Spend Time in Nature

There continues to be more research about the therapeutic value of being in nature. 20-30 minutes a day outside can enhance your mood and lead to a reduction of stress. Being outdoors increases your inclination to be mindful by focusing on the sound of birds, smell of flowers, scenery of gardens, etc.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Challenge Irrational Thoughts

The average person has between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts a day. Not every single one of these thoughts is accurate, rational, helpful, logical, true and productive. Thoughts can be free flowing where you allow your brain to have the reins over the thought patterns or you can guide the thought patterns and direct them consciously.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Don't Take Everything Personally

It is difficult to remember that everyone is fighting their own life battle. Not every interaction you experience with another human is about you. Harsh tones, over reactions, irritability and awkward glances are symptoms of discontent.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp


Your brain needs oxygen to function, think and calm down. When you are stressed, you have a tendency to hold your breathe; it is a natural reaction. Learn to focus on your breathing when you feel emotionally flooded to slow your body down and clear your mind.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Practice Self Compassion

Treat yourself as you would a close friend or beloved family member. Your relationship with yourself is one of the most important connections you will ever have. The words you speak as well as the beliefs you hold about yourself can give you strength and reassurance or they can erode your self esteem.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Get Balanced

Health centers around balance. Mental health is no exception. Be deliberate about how you spend your time; it is an incredibly valuable resource that none of us are getting any more of. Maintain balance between your normal responsibilities and the things you enjoy. Work and play are equally important. Incorporate what you love into your daily routine so you have something to look forward to each day.

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