Stress Management


November 4, 2020 is International Stress Awareness Day. This year as been beyond stressful for many families dealing with COVID 19, unemployment, economic shutdown, natural disasters, election uncertainty and educational upheaval to name a few. It is important in times of undo stress to focus on healthy ways of relieving that energy. Be intentional with your stress management techniques. Use them often rather than waiting for intense feelings to become bottled up and then bubble over.

Here are some examples of healthy stress management techniques

-Take a walk in nature

-Take deep belly breathes and focus on positive self talk

-Move your body (dance, exercise, run, etc.)

-Tap into a creative outlet (drawing, painting, design)

-Focus on what you can control

-Prepare well balanced meals

-Talk to a trusted friend or family member

-Rewatch a favorite movie or show

-Listen to music

-Explore a new hobby, culture, community group or activity

-Plan a trip or adventure


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