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A quick reading, or “constellation” of resources about mental health therapy.

Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Eat Well.

There is increasing data that shows a strong connection between your gut and your brain. The gastrointestinal (GI) track and the brain share a pipeline of communication in your body. If you experience intestinal distress, there can be an increase in symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mood symptoms or visa versa

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Positive Mindset

Your brain is the most influential organ in your body. It can be be your best friend or worst enemy depending on the messages it gives you throughout the day. Even when it does not feel like it; you can alter your thoughts and skew them toward the positive .

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Getting Back on Track

We all get off track at times. I was shocked today to see that I have not posted to the Constellation blog since Christmas 2019. Where has the time gone! So I find myself needing to get back on track. There is so much value in being able to reassess, regroup and continue forward after a set back.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Treat Yourself Like a Close Friend

Your own inner voice has great influence over your mood and self esteem. What kind of phrases do you tell yourself? Is your inner voice kid, supportive and uplifting?

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Take a Break

When you are tired, learn to rest and take a break rather than to stop. When you feel overwhelmed, acknowledge your feelings and give yourself permission to pause and recharge.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Sometimes Maintenance is Progress

Life is bittersweet and complex. Not every day will be your finest moment. You will not win each battle. You will struggle, fail and have to regroup. Somedays, the bitterness of loss feels overwhelming. Somedays, your anxiety is sky rocketing.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp


Teach yourself to rest, to pause, to regenerate. When you want to quit, take a break and rest. See if your perception changes after you recharge. Our lives become very busy and it is easy to transform into “human doings” rather than our natural state of “human beings.”

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Forgiveness is Powerful

Developing a relationship with forgiveness is transformative and challenging. Forgiveness doesn’t equate to reconciliation or returning to the toxic environment or relationship that we survived. There are many different ways to engage in forgiveness.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Mental Health First Aide Kit

We are often asked for some of our favorite resources, products and books that assist with balancing mood and improving mental health. Here are some of our favorites.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Ask For Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others if you are struggling, hurting, lonely, depressed, anxious or distressed. Communicate your voice. You are not alone. We all need support at different times. Being human is complicated and sometimes we need to talk through our feelings and thoughts with others, need a hug, need a movie night or need someone to be present while we cry.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Find Comfort

Find comfort in your life. Explore places until you find somewhere that automatically takes the edge off your stress level. This could be a park, your garden, bookstore, restaurant, favorite coffee house, etc. It doesn’t matter where it is located all that matters is that the environment is comforting and relaxing to you. Visit this place as frequently as possible, pencil it into your schedule if needed.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Learn Boundaries

Learn to set boundaries with other people including friends, parents, family professional contacts and co-workers. Overextending your time and mental/emotional capacity is not doing anyone any favors. You only have so many hours in the day; you must reserve time and space for yourself. Even if during this personal time, you are doing nothing but recharging.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Spend Time in Nature

There continues to be more research about the therapeutic value of being in nature. 20-30 minutes a day outside can enhance your mood and lead to a reduction of stress. Being outdoors increases your inclination to be mindful by focusing on the sound of birds, smell of flowers, scenery of gardens, etc.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Challenge Irrational Thoughts

The average person has between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts a day. Not every single one of these thoughts is accurate, rational, helpful, logical, true and productive. Thoughts can be free flowing where you allow your brain to have the reins over the thought patterns or you can guide the thought patterns and direct them consciously.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Tolerate Your Emotions

Emotions are not logical. Emotions do not control your behavior. For example, your can feel nervous and dreadful about giving a presentation in front of others but continue on and deliver the presentation anyway. Think of it as you are sky and your emotions are the weather.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Be Authentic

Be yourself. Speak your truth. Set boundaries and chase your dreams unapologetically. Say what needs to be said in a manner that others can hear it.

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coping skills Jennifer Harp coping skills Jennifer Harp

Don't Take Everything Personally

It is difficult to remember that everyone is fighting their own life battle. Not every interaction you experience with another human is about you. Harsh tones, over reactions, irritability and awkward glances are symptoms of discontent.

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Power of Giving

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” ―Maya Angelou

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Jennifer Harp Jennifer Harp

Create Pockets of Peace

It is easy to become consumed with the day to day activities of life. We give pieces of ourselves to others throughout the day as we care take our children, spouses, careers, friends, family, homes and pets. Let’s face it, adulting can be exhausting. We need to create calm for ourselves whenever we can. In the hustle and bustle, it is not easy to pencil in time for ourselves however, it is imperative to create pockets of peace for yourself during the day.

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